Monday, November 21, 2011

Willy Wonka & Mr. Slugworth

I'm not speaking of candy now. The smoke and mirrors that keep distracting the world are reaching critical mass. Being right makes wrong seem like heaven. I was forced to eat sugar, butter, bread, pork, mushrooms and lies. I love mushrooms. If I gave into addictive substances instead of having a quest for knowledge and understanding I'd be lost. We seek power over the future. Sugar coating the truth gets me nowhere as well as only seeing the bad. Confidence men keep running the game because we are not educating ourselves. Buying what they are selling is our way of passing the buck. We want them to take responsibility for our actions, in a good way with no malice intended. My heart is bleeding over our best hope put in harm's way. Just step back and check your own work with an open mind. "The Con Man's Guide to the Universe" goes on sale soon. Order your advanced copies at.........

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The energy, as in fossil fuels, does not matter at all. The argument is keeping us away from the future survival of the 99%. No matter what we do we will use all the fossil fuel, pollute the atmosphere and water. Then we will make alternate energy a priority. Let me restate the obvious, the 1% will flood the new recourses and squash the people who have been fighting for change all along. Police, military and plain hired thugs will defend the wealthy’s right to survive over the 99%. Eat the rich takes on a whole new meaning then. We are the only things that care at all about the conditions above ground. Terra firma doses not care at all about us, it can wait us out.  "Birds Do It. Bees Do It. Even Educated Fleas Do It" Not forever!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fauna or Flora

Capitalism is the best most sacred of the economic types we have(IMO). Striving for excellence without a reward seems hollow. Wealth is the gold ring not the brass ring we are all but the 1% chasing. I would say let them have the bounties of this silly race if it was mine to give them but it’s theirs already. After wealth is achieved, under Chris Rock’s definition of wealth, it turns into power not capitalism. Mormons believe that a Veil will be lifted after we die, then we will see the truth. Let’s not use a shield to hide our eye any longer. Arguing an idea makes us a civilization, war makes us human. Turn dissolution over to flora, fauna may have a chance to transcend this planet one day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bulbs out

We need the top 1% not to take all the money but to take the responsibility for the hard decisions. Money is not an issue that plagues my thoughts. Not preparing for the inevitable vexes me. I know that the climate change is happening. We need to get the earth ready for it. Water purification of sea water can be done with little trouble. Underground climate controlled complexes need to be excavated now. Lighting after the last bulbs blow out will kill us all if we cannot grow food. Let’s not be the last renewable resource.

New American made television

They say that we don't make electronics in my country any more. Can we assemble televisions in America? Make the components in the U.S.A., computer chips, circuit boards and 
"Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle"s and I'll do it myself.
quote from a Christmas story, added the s myself